Walmart Marketplace

Add Customers With Edex Digital's Innovative eCommerce Strategies

Walmart Marketplace is growing fast and has over 115 million users every month. It’s a great time to start selling there. It’s like eBay and Amazon and has tools for both buyers and sellers.

Selling on your own website is good, but it’s hard work and takes time and money to get results. It would be best if you had good SEO.

Selling on Walmart Marketplace can help you reach more people and make more money. Only a few sellers are yet, so it’s a chance to stand out and reach your goals.

Walmart Marketplace Marketing and Optimization

Delivering Effective Amazon Optimization Services

Before you start selling on Walmart Marketplace, it’s important to understand how it works. Like other online stores, you need smart ways to improve your product listings and brand pages.

At Edex Digital, we’re eCommerce experts and have focused on understanding Walmart Marketplace. Our services are designed to help your online business grow and succeed. Walmart Marketplace is a big platform for making money online.

Let our team help you sell on Walmart Marketplace. We’ll check your content, improve your SEO, and make sure your products are easy to find by the right customers!

 Walmart Marketplace is the second-biggest online store after Amazon. It has over 110 million active users, which means more people could buy your products.


Lots of People Visit

Every month, about 310 million people visit Walmart Marketplace. During busy times like holidays, that number jumps to nearly 500 million. That's a lot of potential customers for your products.

Not as Many Sellers

Fewer people are selling on Walmart Marketplace compared to Amazon. Walmart has 33,000 merchants, while Amazon has over 2 million sellers. So, it's a good time to start selling on Walmart.

No Upfront Costs

Walmart Marketplace doesn't ask for any upfront or monthly fees like Amazon does. They offer customer support for free! You only pay when you sell something. It's an excellent chance for sellers to save money and maximize their resources.

Walmart Marketplace Marketing Services

Increase Your ROI With Turnkey Solutions

Edex is a digital marketing company that can boost your Walmart business. Here’s what we offer:

Edex’s Amazon SEO services specifically target vital aspects, such as relevance, and prioritize clear and concise product specifications to boost your Amazon rank and increase conversion rates.

Ramp Up Your Sales on Walmart Marketplace

To succeed on Walmart Marketplace, you need a strong marketing strategy. Many businesses need help, but Edex Digital can help you. Our team knows how to optimize your Walmart presence for the best results.

We focus on where your products are placed, pricing strategies, and content improvement. With our experience, we’ll create effective online campaigns tailored to your business.

We use strategies like Walmart SEO and eCommerce PPC to boost your visibility and reputation. Let us handle the details while you focus on running your business.


Want to know more about how we can grow your business through selling on Walmart Marketplace

We can also help you build your own eCommerce website! Contact us today to get your free proposal.